Event Value
Jul, 26 11:30
Key bank rate
Key bank rate
Date: Jul, 26 11:30
Importance: High
Previous: 16.00%
Forecast: 18.00%
Actual: 18.00%
Period: Jul
The Bank Rossii decision on short term interest rate. The decision on where to set interest rates depends mostly on growth outlook and inflation. The primary objective of the central bank is to achieve price stability. High interest rates attract foreigners looking for the best "risk-free" return on their money, which can dramatically increases demand for the nation's currency. A higher than expected rate is positive/bullish for the RUB, while a lower than expected rate is negative/bearish for the RUB.
Jul, 25 13:30
Date: Jul, 25 13:30
Importance: High
Previous: 1.4%
Forecast: 2.0%
Actual: 2.8%
Period: 2 quarter

The GDP for the United States is a gauge of the overall output (goods & services) of the US economy on the continental US GDP is the most comprehensive overall measure of economic output and provides key insight into the driving forces of the economy.

GDP Influence On Markets
If the figure increases, then the economy is improving, and thus the dollar tends to strengthen. If the number falls short of expectations or meets the consensus, dollar bearishness may be triggered. This sort of reaction is again tied to interest rates, as traders expect an accelerating economy, consumers will be affected by inflation and consequently interest rates will rise. However, much like the CPI, a negative change in GDP is more difficult to trade; just because the pace of growth has slowed does not mean it has deteriorated. On the other hand, a better than expected number will usually result in the dollar rising as it implicates that a quickly expanding economy will sooner or later require higher interest rates to keep inflation in check. Overall though, the GDP has fallen in significance and its ability to move markets since most of the components of the report are known in advance

Due to the untimeliness of this report and because data on GDP components are available beforehand, the actual GDP figure is usually well anticipated. But given its overall significance GDP has the tendency to move the market upon release, acting to confirm or upset economic expectations. Robust GDP growth signals a heightened level of activity that is generally associated with a healthy economy. However economic expansion also raises concerns about inflationary pressures which may lead to monetary policy tightening.

Gross Domestic Product is calculated in the following way
GDP = C + I + G + (EX - IM)
C = private consumption
I = private investment
G = government expenditure
EX = exports of goods and services
IM = imports of goods and services

The figure is commonly reported in headlines as an annualized percentage, based on quarterly data.

On a technical note: The GDP can be reported in either real or nominal terms, real GDP being adjusted for inflation. GDP actually has three releases, as an Advanced, Preliminary, and Final figure. The Advanced figure is released four weeks following the quarter's end. One month later, the Preliminary GDP is released, followed by the Final GDP measure at the end of the quarter following the reporting quarter. As the most timely measure, the Advanced GDP tends to move markets the most.

Jul, 24 15:30
Bank of Canada Press Conference
Bank of Canada Press Conference
Date: Jul, 24 15:30
Importance: High
Previous: -
Forecast: -
Actual: -
Period: -

(BOC) Press Conference Following the Release of the Monetary Policy Report The global economic recovery is entering a new phase.

Jul, 24 14:45
Bank of Canada Monetary Policy Report
Bank of Canada Monetary Policy Report
Date: Jul, 24 14:45
Importance: High
Previous: -
Forecast: -
Actual: -
Period: -

A quarterly report of the Bank of Canada’s Governing Council, presenting the Bank’s base-case projection for inflation and growth in the Canadian economy, and its assessment of risks.

Jul, 24 14:45
BOC Rate Statement
BOC Rate Statement
Date: Jul, 24 14:45
Importance: High
Previous: -
Forecast: -
Actual: -
Period: -

This statement is the primary medium used by the Bank of Canada (BoC) to communicate with investors about monetary policy decisions, specifically those regarding interest rates.

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