Event Value
Sep, 16 07:30
Producer & Import Prices
Producer & Import Prices
Date: Sep, 16 07:30
Importance: Low
Previous: 0.0%; -1.7%
Forecast: 0.1%; -1.4%
Actual: -
Period: Aug

Tracks inflation in producer and import prices in Switzerland . The headline figure is the percentage change in the index from the previous period.

Changes in this index will generally precede changes in the consumer price index, as higher import costs and producer prices tend to eventually be passed to consumers. As with any indicator of inflation, increases in producer and import prices tend to act as an appreciating weight for the Swiss franc because inflationary pressures are almost always met with interest rate increases from the Swiss central bank.

The figure represents changes in the combined producer and import price index, calculated from changes in producer prices and import prices, giving appropriate weight to the proportion of domestic and imported goods.

0.0%; -1.7%
Sep, 16 09:00
Gross Domestic Product
Gross Domestic Product
Date: Sep, 16 09:00
Importance: Low
Previous: 0.2%; 1.1%
Forecast: 0.2%; 1.1%
Actual: -
Period: Aug

The Gross Domestic Product is a comprehensive measure of an overall production and consumption of goods and services. GDP serves as one of the primary measures of overall economic well-being. GDP announcements generally conform to expectations as the number comes out after most production figures that lead to overall GDP have already been released. Although releases that are out of line with expectations are rare, unanticipated GDP growth can move markets simply because of its significance as an economic indicator.

0.2%; 1.1%
Sep, 16 10:00
Trade Balance
Trade Balance
Date: Sep, 16 10:00
Importance: Low
Previous: 5.07
Forecast: 4.45
Actual: -
Period: Jul

A country's trade balance reflects the difference between exports and imports of goods and services. The trade balance is one of the biggest components of the Balance of Payment, giving valuable insight into pressures on country's currency.

Surpluses and Deficits
A positive Trade Balance (surplus) indicates that exports are greater than imports. When imports exceed exports, the country experiences a trade deficit. Because foreign goods are usually purchased using foreign currency, trade deficits usually reflect currency leaking out of the country. Such currency outflows may lead to a natural depreciation unless countered by comparable capital inflows (inflows in the form of investments, FDI - where foreigners investing in local equity, bond or real estates markets). At a bare minimum, deficits fundamentally weigh down the value of the currency.

Ramifications of Trade Balance on Markets
There are a number of factors that work to diminish the market impact of Trade Balance upon immediate release. The report is not very timely, coming some time after the reporting period. Developments in many of the figure's components are also typically anticipated well beforehand. Lastly, since the report reflects data for a specific reporting month or quarter, any significant changes in the Trade Balance should plausibly have already been felt during that period - and not during the release of data.

However, because of the overall significance of Trade Balance data in forecasting trends in the Forex Market, the release has historically been one of the most important reports out of the any country.

Sep, 16 10:00
Current Account (sa)
Current Account (sa)
Date: Sep, 16 10:00
Importance: Low
Previous: 17.5bln; 22.3bln
Forecast: 14.9bln; 18.0bln
Actual: -
Period: Jul

  The Current Account summarizes the flow of goods, services, income and transfer payments into and out of the country. The report acts as a line-item record of how the domestic economy interacts with rest of the world. The Current Account is one of the three components that make up a country's Balance of Payments (Financial Account, Capital Account and Current Account), the detailed accounting of all international interactions. Where the other side of the Balance of Payments, Capital and Financial Accounts deal mainly with financial assets and investments, the Current Account gives a detailed breakdown of how the country intermingles with rest of the global economy on a non-investment basis - tracking good and services.

17.5bln; 22.3bln
Sep, 16 13:30
Manufacturing Shipments
Manufacturing Shipments
Date: Sep, 16 13:30
Importance: Low
Previous: -2.1%
Forecast: 0.7%
Actual: -
Period: Jul

CManufacturing Shipments - also known as "shipments of goods of own manufacture" - report the production of goods produced by Canadian establishments in the "Manufacturing Sector (NAICS 31-33)". It measures the Dollar value, not the quantity of manufactured goods produced.

Sep, 16 13:30
NY Fed Empire State manufacturing index
NY Fed Empire State manufacturing index
Date: Sep, 16 13:30
Importance: Medium
Previous: -4.7
Forecast: -4.1
Actual: -
Period: Sep

  Survey assessing business conditions and expectations of manufacturing executives in New York . Though the survey is relatively new and New York has a considerably small number of manufacturers, the report has shown a promising correlation to the Philadelphia Fed Index and the market moving ISM Manufacturing Survey. Thus Empire serves as a useful earlier indicator of overall manufacturing in the US .

Results are calculated as the difference between percentage of positive and negative scores; zero acts as the breakeven point. A high figure is bullish for the dollar, indicating positive business sentiment conducive to growth in production. A low or negative number signals poor business conditions.

Sep, 17 05:30
Tertiary Industry Index
Tertiary Industry Index
Date: Sep, 17 05:30
Importance: Low
Previous: -1.3%
Forecast: 0.8%
Actual: -
Period: Jul

Evaluates the monthly change in output produced by Japan's service sector. Because this report excludes manufacturing and only measures service industries catering mainly to domestic needs, the Tertiary Industry Index is a key indicator of domestic activity. The index incorporates data from firms involved in wholesale and retail trade, financial services, health care, real estate, leisure and utilities. The report excludes industrial manufacturing sectors that tend to be influenced by foreign demand. The tertiary industry index is posted monthly as a percentage change from the previous month's figure.

Sep, 17 10:00
ZEW Survey (Econ. Sentiment)
ZEW Survey (Econ. Sentiment)
Date: Sep, 17 10:00
Importance: Medium
Previous: 17.9
Forecast: 16.4
Actual: -
Period: Sep

The Center for European Economic Research (ZEW), queries financial experts throughout Europe every month in order to make a medium-term forecast about the economic situation. Eurozone ZEW Indicator of Economic Sentiment Assesses future economic expectations for the whole Eurozone. The results are summarized as the number of positive responses minus the number of negative responses. A higher headline figure indicates a positive expectation for Euro-zone economy.

Technical Note on Headline Number : The results of the survey are always presented as the difference between those experts that optimistic and those are pessimistic. For instance if 25 percent of analysts expect improvement, 35 percent expect decline, and 40 percent expect no change, the headline figure is -10.

Sep, 17 10:00
ZEW Economic Sentiment
ZEW Economic Sentiment
Date: Sep, 17 10:00
Importance: Medium
Previous: 19.2
Forecast: 17.2
Actual: -
Period: Sep

A German Firm, the Center for European Economic Research (ZEW), queries financial experts throughout Europe every month in order to make a medium-term forecast about Germany 's economic situation. They ask experts to evaluate the current situation and to predict the future direction of the economy. For all components of the survey, responses are restricted to positive, negative, or unchanged. This simple structure allows the survey to be quick and efficient in terms of turnaround time, as well as easy to understand and interpret.

Experts are asked for a qualitative assessment of the direction of inflation, interest rates, exchange rates and the stock market in the next six months. Thus the indicator provides a medium-term forecast for the German economy.

Technical Note on Headline Number : The results of the survey are always presented as the difference between those experts that optimistic and those are pessimistic. For instance if 25 percent of analysts expect improvement, 35 percent expect decline, and 40 percent expect no change, the headline figure is -10.

Sep, 17 10:00
ZEW Current Situation
ZEW Current Situation
Date: Sep, 17 10:00
Importance: Medium
Previous: -77.3
Forecast: -77.0
Actual: -
Period: Sep

A German Firm, the Center for European Economic Research (ZEW), queries financial experts throughout Europe every month in order to make a medium-term forecast about Germany 's economic situation. They ask experts to evaluate the current situation and to predict the future direction of the economy. For all components of the survey, responses are restricted to positive, negative, or unchanged. This simple structure allows the survey to be quick and efficient in terms of turnaround time, as well as easy to understand and interpret.

Unlike the Economic Sentiment Indicator which looks into the future direction of the economy, the Current Situation Indicator focuses on the results of the survey that relate to the current health of the German economy. Expert opinions on whether the current situation is improved, worsened, or unchanged are summarized as the number of positive responses minus the number of negative responses. A higher headline figure indicates a stronger economy and better business climate.

Technical Note on Headline Number : The results of the survey are always presented as the difference between those experts that optimistic and those are pessimistic. For instance if 25 percent of analysts expect improvement, 35 percent expect decline, and 40 percent expect no change, the headline figure is -10.

Sep, 17 10:00
30-y Bond Auction
30-y Bond Auction
Date: Sep, 17 10:00
Importance: Low
Previous: 4.636%; 3.35
Forecast: -
Actual: -
Period: Sep
Yields are set by bond market investors, and therefore they can be used to decipher investors' outlook on future interest rates. The bid-to-cover ratio represents bond market liquidity and demand, which can be used to gauge investor confidence.
4.636%; 3.35
Sep, 17 13:15
Housing Starts
Housing Starts
Date: Sep, 17 13:15
Importance: Low
Previous: 279.509K
Forecast: 247.0K
Actual: -
Period: Aug

Reflects the rate of growth in housing construction. Housing Starts act as an indicator measuring the strength of Canada's construction sector and housing market. Economists also use the figure as a leading indicator for the economy as a whole due to Housing Starts' sensitivity to changes in the business cycle. Housing Starts slow at the onset of a recession and quickly grow at the beginning of an economic boom; consequently, a high Housing Starts figure forecasts strong economic growth.

The headline figure is the percentage change in new home starts.

Sep, 17 13:30
Consumer Price Index
Consumer Price Index
Date: Sep, 17 13:30
Importance: High
Previous: 0.4%; 2.5%
Forecast: 0.1%; 2.4%
Actual: -
Period: Aug

The key gauge for inflation in Canada. Simply put, inflation reflects a decline in the purchasing power of the Canadian Dollar, meaning each Dollar buys fewer goods and services. CPI is the most obvious way to measure changes in purchasing power - the report tracks changes in the price of a basket of goods and services that a typical Canadian household might purchase. An increase in the index indicates that it takes more Dollars to purchase this same set of basic consumer items.

As the most important indicator of inflation in Canada , Consumer Price figures are closely followed by Canada 's central bank. The Bank of Canada has a target inflation band of 1 - 3 % and uses CPI and Core CPI as its principle gauge (the Bank of Canada posts inflation targets and CPI on their homepage). A rising CPI may prompt the central bank to raise interest rates in order to manage inflation and slow economic growth. Higher interest rates make holding the Dollar more attractive to foreign investors, and this higher level of demand will place upward pressure on the value of the Dollar.

0.4%; 2.5%
Sep, 17 13:30
Consumer Price Index Core
Consumer Price Index Core
Date: Sep, 17 13:30
Importance: Medium
Previous: 0.3%; 1.7%
Forecast: 0.2%; 1.7%
Actual: -
Period: Aug

CPI Excluding Core Eight

The Consumer Price Index excluding eight items which the Bank of Canada has deemed to have the most volatility from month to month. The goods omitted tend to fluctuate idiosyncratically and may distort CPI data. The headline figure for CPI is the percentage change in the index on a month to month and year to year basis.

Note : These Eight items include: fruit, vegetables, gasoline, fuel oil, natural gas, mortgage interest, inter-city transportation and tobacco products. Changes in the CPI Excluding the Core 8 are recognized as a better indicator of inflation than the regular CPI. The headline figure is reported as a percent change on both the month to month and year to year basis.

0.3%; 1.7%
Sep, 17 13:30
Common Core CPI
Common Core CPI
Date: Sep, 17 13:30
Importance: Medium
Previous: 2.2%
Forecast: 2.2%
Actual: -
Period: Aug
The Common calculation helps expose the underlying inflation trend through filtering out price movements that might be caused by factors specific to certain components. Source first released in Dec 2016. Consumer prices account for a majority of overall inflation. Inflation is important to currency valuation because rising prices lead the central bank to raise interest rates out of respect for their inflation containment mandate.
Sep, 17 13:30
Median Core CPI
Median Core CPI
Date: Sep, 17 13:30
Importance: Medium
Previous: 2.4%
Forecast: 2.3%
Actual: -
Period: Aug
The Median calculation helps expose the underlying inflation trend through exclusion of extreme price movements specific to certain components. Source first released in Dec 2016. Consumer prices account for a majority of overall inflation. Inflation is important to currency valuation because rising prices lead the central bank to raise interest rates out of respect for their inflation containment mandate.
Sep, 17 13:30
Trimmed Core CPI
Trimmed Core CPI
Date: Sep, 17 13:30
Importance: Medium
Previous: 2.7%
Forecast: 2.6%
Actual: -
Period: Aug
Change in the price of goods and services purchased by consumers, excluding 40% of components with extreme price movements. The Trimmed Mean calculation helps expose the underlying inflation trend through component weighting and anomaly exclusion. Source first released in Dec 2016. Consumer prices account for a majority of overall inflation. Inflation is important to currency valuation because rising prices lead the central bank to raise interest rates out of respect for their inflation containment mandate.
Sep, 17 13:30
Retail Sales
Retail Sales
Date: Sep, 17 13:30
Importance: High
Previous: 1.0%; 0.4%
Forecast: -0.2%; 0.2%
Actual: -
Period: Aug

An aggregated measure of the sales of retail goods over a stated time period, typically based on a data sampling that is extrapolated to model an entire country. In the U.S., the retail sales report is a monthly economic indicator compiled and released by the Census Bureau and the Department of Commerce. The report covers the previous month, and is released about two weeks after the month-end. Comparisons are made against historical data; year-over-year comparisons are the most-reported metric because they account for the seasonality of consumer-based retail.

1.0%; 0.4%
Sep, 17 14:15
Industrial Production
Industrial Production
Date: Sep, 17 14:15
Importance: Medium
Previous: -0.6%
Forecast: 0.1%
Actual: -
Period: Aug

Measures changes in the volume of output produced by the manufacturing, mining, and utility sectors in the USA. Because industrial production is a measure of output volume rather than dollar value, the figure is not distorted by inflation and is considered a more "pure" indicator for US industry. Though industrial production only accounts for a relatively small portion of the GDP, it accounts for most of the volatility in GDP and is considered highly sensitive to changes in interest rate and consumer demand. Therefore understanding trends in this figure are important to forecasting the GDP. High or rising Industrial Production figures suggest increased production and economic expansion. However, uncontrolled levels of production and consumption can spark inflation.

The figure varies significantly month to month due to the fact that seasonal and weather related factors often alter factory production and utility demand. Because of this volatility, the report has limited market impact.

The figure is calculated as a weighted aggregate of goods and reported in headlines as a percent change from previous months.

Sep, 17 14:15
Manufacturing Production
Manufacturing Production
Date: Sep, 17 14:15
Importance: Low
Previous: -0.3%
Forecast: 0.2%
Actual: -
Period: Aug

The UK Manufacturing Production index is compiled by the National Statistics Office and measures the level of manufacturing output. It is an important indicator since it measures growth in the country’s manufacturing industry which is a major component of Gross Domestic Product. A low reading is considered bearish for the Sterling.

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